World Aquaculture
Regrowing the Worlds Resources Advancing Nutrition, Medicine, & Protein fighting World Hunger, Malnutrition in Children
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Our Focus



Aquaculture, land-based, is the future. World Aquaculture Institute Corporation has focused its last ten years in land based aquaculture, growing Tilapia for food consumption in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and studying and refining the fin fish production processes; along with the growing of vegetables with the high nutriment rich waste waters from the fin fish. Fin fish is one food source of many that has and will be investigated as major protein sources needed for the development of the future generations of the world and their food supply. Medicines come from our fin fish, cod liver oil, omega 3, etc., and we intend to further develop cures for cancer, Hepatitis C and other infectious diseases through research of fin fish, marine plants and minerals, their chemistry and metabolisms.

The world food supply will require a demand of over a 300% increase for fish as a protein source by 2025, and the oceans cannot handle this increased demand. Further, the oceans are now being looked at by regulators and will not be able to produce the protein required by the population in the next 15 years.

World Aquaculture Fund's mission for the decades to come is to (a.) advance nutrition, medicine, and the environment, by enhancement of the World's Fin Fish "Protein" supply to feed the world through promotion of marine, biotechnology, pharmacology research, development, implementation ands awareness in the United States and the World, (b.) support and advance the use of aquaculture and aqua cultural techniques to improve the quality and quantity of the World's fin fish supply for nutritional protein with a special emphases on childhood nutrition, (c.) promote the investigation and utilization of aqua cultural animals, vegetation and mineral sources in pharmacology, medical research and development, (d.) research, develop and implement education and public outreach programs that build awareness and support for aquaculture in the World, (e.) accomplish the above objectives with full regard for the environmental safety and maintaining ecological integrity.

North America with its varied regions defined by local species are at risk of extinction, the Institute is working to protect, restore and preserve the Worlds' Oceans for our children and for generations of children to come.

Ocean - Contact us in Newport, Rhode Island, for more information on our mission to advance nutrition, medicine, and the environment by enhancing the worlds protein supply.
Fish - Contact us in Newport, Rhode Island, for more information on our mission to advance nutrition, medicine, and the environment by enhancing the worlds protein supply.
Fish - Contact us in Newport, Rhode Island, for more information on our mission to advance nutrition, medicine, and the environment by enhancing the worlds protein supply.
Ocean - Contact us in Newport, Rhode Island, for more information on our mission to advance nutrition, medicine, and the environment by enhancing the worlds protein supply.

Make A Donation - The Annual Fund

Your support of the World Aquaculture Fund plays an important role in the vital work of advancing the eradication of Protein-Energy Malnutrition in children, in regrowing the world's resources, and protecting our environment and making this world a better place. We've established many different levels of giving and ways to give. Give today! You can make a difference now with a gift to the World Aquaculture Fund. The end of the year is a great time to give. Not only do we offer gift memberships for you to give as a Birthday or Christmas gift, we also offer Tributes. We will notify your friends and loved ones of your thoughtful donations with our official World Aquaculture Fund card. Make your contribution now and receive your tax benefit.

The World Aquaculture Fund is a public, non-profit, membership-supported organization. We rely on the generosity of our members, corporations, endowments, trusts and friends for financial support. Your donations will allow us to continue our work towards land based aquaculture to help solve Protein-Energy Malnutrition in children, develop new medicines from fin fish, and regrow the world's oceans.

If you visit our Website frequently, you already know its value. Through observations of written accounts, and incredible research and grant programs, we are able to bring you from your home or office to the heart of World Aquaculture Institute. We give you an inside look at future programs and life under the sea. We offer you educational tools. And our staff is constantly striving to improve your experience on our site, and help you stay informed about important issues that affect us all.

This Website is just a small part of what we do here at the "WAF". Our staff works at the Institute, monitoring the tanks all day, every day. We conduct valuable scientific research, improving growing techniques, developing new drugs, supporting research, technology, development, innovation, advancing nutrition, medicine and the environment and saving lives. The Aquaculture Notebook, our soon to be nationally quarterly newsletter, will reach more than 2.5 million readers and will be produced right here in our offices. We even bring aquaculture to the classroom, with outreach staff traveling to schools across New England and the World.

If you value World Aquaculture Fund, this Website and the work of the Fund and Institute, we invite you to make a financial contribution today. Thank you!

Contact us in Newport, Rhode Island, for more information on our mission to advance nutrition, medicine, and the environment by enhancing the world's protein supply.

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