Is World Aquaculture Fund d/b/a World Aquaculture Institute Corporation (WAF) a not-for-profit organization?
Yes, WAF is a registered 501(C)(3)not-for-profit charitable organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by the law and by the IRS.
How can I make a donation?
There are many ways to send your donation today. You can mail a check payable to "World Aquaculture Fund" to our office or phone/fax your donation with a credit card number or use our secure link with Bank of America.
Mail Your Donation To:
World Aquaculture Fund or World Aquaculture Institute
11 Chartier Circle
Newport, Rhode Island 02840-3515
Phone: 401.440.9943
Will my gift make a difference?
Your decision to invest in World Aquaculture Fund means making a real impact in the real world. For more than 10 years, WAF has made a difference, with research and ideas that have propelled genuine advances in aquaculture. We have made these advances by challenging conventional wisdom and our work has consistently reflected our optimism and our faith in individuals. We have built our credibility on these values and on the results of our ideas. WAF demonstrates what others simply declare. As we look to the future, we will abide by our mission and we have a vision, based on the strengths of our organization for achieving that mission and support from our members.
World Aquaculture Fund depends on the support from individuals, corporations and foundations who share our dedication to eradicate Protein-Energy Malnutrition in children, build sustainable land based fin fish production facilities around the world, strengthen our oceans, improve the quality of the world's protein supply, and develop new medicines while protection the environment.
What is an unrestricted gift?
Besides the funds that are targeted for specific needs, unrestricted donations are important to the future of World Aquaculture Fund. These unrestricted contributions are critical because they give us the flexibility to respond quickly to late-breaking national and global issues effecting the oceans, while at the same time allowing our researchers to continue their work on the vital topics affecting childhood nutrition and developing cures for hepatitis C and other infectious diseases. With this core unrestricted support, we can undertake research on especially critical issues; red tide, fin fish depletion, water bore diseases. etc, to name a few. The availability of unrestricted funds can mean the difference between a missed opportunity and a critical new program area that needs to be addressed. Your gift can make a difference far beyond what you can imagine.
Are there other ways I can support World Aquaculture Fund?
Yes. We are eligible to receive matching employer gifts from corporations. You can volunteer your time and energy through our active Volunteer Program. We can put to good use gifts-in-kind, such as special event coordination, promotions/media relations, and use of facilities for our events outside of our offices. We also have internships available for college students.
What is a Matching Corporate Employer Gift Program?
Many businesses match or multiply their employees' charitable donations up to a set amount, as well as employee spouses or those who have retired from the company. Your gift then is doubled at no additional cost to you and your contribution works twice as hard in supporting World Aquaculture Fund. If your company does have a matching employee gift program, the company's human resources/personnel office will provide you with a matching gift form. This form can either be sent with your original gift to World Aquaculture Institute or can be sent later if you have already contributed. This is an easy way to make your donation twice as valuable to World Aquaculture Fund. You will be credited with the gift and receive the appropriate Circle membership. Recognition will also be given to the company. World Aquaculture Fund will also assist donors in compliance with an employer's matching gift procedures.
Other than cash, does World Aquaculture Fund accept other types of assets?
Yes. World Aquaculture Fund also welcomes gifts of stock, bequests, assets such as boats, planes and other planned gifts. Your support through gifts of cash, wills, assets and securities is greatly appreciated. In many instances, these gifts provide you with significant tax advantages. Here are some following examples:
You can make a stock transfer.
There are naming opportunities available at World Aquaculture Fund's Center. World Aquaculture Fund will name the opportunity in honor of the donor(s) and the gift will be placed in the Fund's permanent endowment fund and used to construct or renovate and maintain the designated opportunity. Your gift will be invested in perpetuity and the income it generates will be expended to support the needs of your chosen named opportunity. Please look for a listing of our naming opportunities on the website soon.
Leave a gift in your Will.
Leave a percentage of the assets in your estate as designated in your Will.
Name World Aquaculture Fund as a beneficiary of an existing or paid-up life insurance policy.
Purchase a new life insurance policy and name World Aquaculture Institute as the beneficiary.
Remember loved ones with memorial gifts.
Encourage family and friends to leave gifts in their Wills to World Aquaculture Fund.
Ask your financial or estate planning consultant to include charitable giving as a part of their counsel to clients.
If you choose to make a deferred gift, it can have significant tax savings and benefits you and your family.
If I purchase a World Aquaculture publication, can this be considered a charitable donation to World Aquaculture Fund and qualify me for a tax education?
No. By directly purchasing a World Aquaculture publication, you are receiving "goods" and your payment does not qualify as a charitable donation. However, by making a charitable gift and becoming a donor at certain qualifying levels, you will receive membership benefits that include complimentary copies of World Aquaculture publications. This would qualify you for a tax deduction to the full extent allowed by the law -- so you receive, and World Aquaculture Fund receives.